City Baby

66610279_10217242119259589_3202465763520675840_nCity Baby is finished and ready for her new owner. Who would have thought the quilt would be ready before the baby arrived?

Quilting Gail is hosting a Baby Quilt Marathon, so I thought I’d see how much progress I could make in 26 hours, and took note of time spent sewing. It turns out I am a slower quilter than I thought. Traditionally, particularly with slow surgeons, to determine the length of time of time of an operation, you take the surgeon’s estimate of time required, double it, add half an hour, and you’ll have the actual time required. I must be fair and add that there are many surgeons in whom this calculation is not required; those are the ones with insight. There are more who need a clock replaced with a calendar, but this is not the place for that discussion. I now realize that, had I done surgery instead of anesthesia, I would be completely deluded about how long it would take for me to do a case. Still, like them, I eventually finish the job, and City Baby is now complete.

Several years ago, my daughter’s good friend got married and I made a wedding quilt. It was modelled after Zen Chic’s  Shine Through  pattern, but I pieced multiples of Tula Pink’s City Sampler blocks in place of appliquéd fabric. Here it is. Do you recognize any Kaffe Fassett fabric? Do you recognize me?IMG_0111

When the quilt was finished, I took the leftover blocks and bits (there were more than a few since I was playing with layout as I went), and put them in a bag. This spring there was happy news that the young couple was expecting a daughter, and I pulled out those bits to make a baby quilt for them. I took them to a Guild retreat, and assembled the flimsy. 66436198_10217239130904882_6518524074761650176_nI was trying for colour progression, like the parents’ quilt. Unlike that one, this has a straight setting with sashing and corner stones. But then, a child has recognizable bits from its parents, in a unique combination. I questioned the corner stones, but after consultation with fellow quilters and my daughter, they went in. With judicious cutting, the Tula Pink High Tidein aquamarine, from the Zuma collection, worked well for them, and added to the colour/ value movement. The flimsy was finished and put aside.

Then came the baby quilt marathon, and I finished it. It took me 10 1/2 hours to choose backing, load the quilt, quilt it, trim it, choose and attach binding and sew it down by hand.

These were my binding options. The pink “boob” fabric, hey dot, by Brigitte Heitland for Zen Chic, was an obvious choice; it’s much closer to lavender in reality. I bought it on sale last month at Avonport Discount Centre, a worthwhile stop if you’re in Nova Scotia, Canada. My daughter pointed out that the motif was very much on trend, with it’s nod to female empowerment. Perfect for today’s baby girl. I must add that while I heartily embrace the movement away from colour stereotyping, the quilt felt very blue for a girl. I was thrilled to find a terrific pink binding. Showing my age, I am.

Summer is finally here, so I took the quilt pondside to sew down the binding. At my friend Gillian’s suggestion, I tried Sulky Blendable thread for the job, and loved it.


After more than three hours, the quilt was finished. It needed it’s photo shoot.

Here it is in the morning light. The sun washed out the colours a bit, but side light in the early morning certainly showed the texture of the quilting.


On its way back to the house, I passed some ajuga that I’m leaving unmowed until the flowers are gone. The bees love it.66577175_10217239142265166_4449857693733093376_nKitty Wilkin, the Night Quilter, told us that evening light was lovely and warm for quilt photos, so I took it to the nearby beach at sunset. I’m trying really hard to apply some of the tips she shared in her photography workshop at Quiltcon.

So, I missed the rule of thirds and the quilt was shaded, even if the sky was lovely. I moved the quilt.

Better, but I really needed more light, so I looked around and saw a fence that was brighter. 66214573_10217239146585274_6152539620727848960_nAnd that’s a wrap.

Linking up with Quilting Gail. This is my half way report on the Baby Quilt Marathon. With 10 1/2 hours on this quilt, and another 6 to date on another, I’m well past the half way point.

17 thoughts on “City Baby

  1. Love your time estimate theory! When my husband tells me he’s going to Home Depot and will be back in an hour – I always double or triple the time, and I’m usually bang on!! 🙂
    Your City Baby quilt is very nice – with the perfect binding! I love how you used parts of the parents quilt to make the baby quilt – very fitting!
    Keep up the sewing and you’ll nail the marathon!
    Happy Quilting! 🙂


  2. Hi Ann! Lovely, lovely, LOVELY story to go with the lovely baby quilt. Now this is the kind of thing that needs to be on the label, albeit in some condensed format. I would say that your photography skills have improved by tenfold based on the first photo! You are definitely using the lessons learned and apply them – good for you. I have yet to get my 26 hours in on a baby quilt, although there is still hope this weekend. I am definitely cheering you on to finish up that last one you’re working on and can’t wait to see it. ~smile~ Roseanne


  3. Lovely bright colors, beautiful and gorgeous quilt and a very successful photoshoot!!! You not only put those leftover blocks to good use you also achieved the colorwash effect. So it is a win win win win win.


  4. I love the quilt and think it’s so awesome that there’s a connection with the wedding quilt. I appreciated your assessment of slow surgeons—never thought of it in your field of work. As a writer, early in my career we were told to double our estimate. Later I read to triple it. Guess what? Tripling my estimations is closer to reality! I read that optimists routinely underestimate the amount of time something will take to complete. So there. I’m happy to be an optimist.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just beautiful, Ann! I love the look of the purple lupins in the last picture. They complement your quilt perfectly!


  6. Fun idea using left over blocks for the wedding quilt for the baby quilt. The quilting is nice, and your photos are great. So cool that you were able to take the class from Kitty!


    1. Thanks, Dione. I’m realizing that a large part of what I enjoy about quilting is the creative process, and that takes time. I love stopping to ponder the next step of a quilt, try different options… The quilt in a day pace is not for me.


  7. You have managed to make two beautiful quilts. Loved your pics and info on the quilts. 26 hours sounded like we could get a lot done, didn’t it? I had pictured at least 10 quilts in my head but I will probably just end up with 4 but that is 4 more than I would have had without this marathon!

    Liked by 1 person

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